Real Strummer 彈奏易

Business collaboration

Since the introduction of MIDI around 1980, the only electronic musical instruement that can play convincing guitar strike effect , is MIDI guitar controller.

However there are two main drawbacks for MIDI guitar controller :

1. Expensive price.
2. User must know how to play guitar,

Comparing with MIDI guitar controller, REAL STRUMMER has advantages :

1. Price much lower.
2. For keyboardist, they don't need to learn how to play guitar. They already know the keyboard chords, they can play REAL STRUMMER easily.

Besides guitar, REAL STRUMMER can also emulate all pluck string instruements (e.g. Bass Guitar,Banjo, Chinese zither,Pipa,…) Hence it is clear the potential of REAL STRUMMER is great.

For business collaboration :

雖然電子樂器已經出現了數十年,但直到現在,如果需要用電子樂器來演奏出令人滿意的各種結他掃弦效果,唯一方法就是使用專門的 MIDI 結他控制器。

不過MIDI 結他控制器有兩個主要缺點 :

1. MIDI 結他控制器價格高昂。
2. 對鍵琴手來說,需要學習彈奏結他才能使用MIDI 結他控制器。

「彈奏易」的出現便解決這兩個問題 :

1. 「彈奏易」生產成立低得多。
2. 易學易用 - 鍵琴手不需學習彈奏結他,只需熟悉鍵琴和弦 便能輕鬆地使用「彈奏易」。

另外, 除了結他之外,差不多所有彈奏弦線的樂器 (例如 : 低音結他、五弦琴、箏、琵琶、 …) 都可以用「彈奏易」的構成原理來模擬。

綜合以上優點,可見「彈奏易」是極有潛力的電子樂器 !
